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House Watch Program
If you are going on vacation or plan to be away from home for an extended period of time, the Police Department's free House Watch Program can give you peace of mind. Officers will conduct periodic exterior checks while you are away, monitoring your property for inappropriate activity or emergencies.

Enlisting the Police Department to keep an eye out for suspicious activity while you are away from home does not guarantee against loss, theft, damage or mischief but it can be a useful deterrent to anyone who may be considering accessing your home for criminal purposes.

House watches are only available for residents within the City of Lester Prairie's city limits. This watch can be set for an unlimited amount of time.

The residence must be vacant in order to obtain a house watch. If someone will be staying in the residence, we CANNOT accept your house watch request.

To initiate a house watch, please complete the house watch form and return it to the Lester Prairie Police Department.